The Cooperative Manduvira Ltda. Is committed to the integral development of its members, providing opportunities for the formation of the partner and its environment. Cooperativism, Fair Trade, Production Improvement, Civic Education, Environmental Care, Financial Education, Leadership and other topics are addressed in the different trainings that are carried out in the premises of the institution or in the different areas where the partners are concentrate .

Sustainable projects are developed that benefit everyone, such as reforestation in various places of influence in Manduvira, thus ratifying their great commitment to protecting the environment, supporting educational, religious and sporting institutions.


Organic Fairs, periodically expose the healthy products of the garden and family farm, where the work of women leaves.

The Cooperativa Manduvira Ltda. Grants its members loans at reasonable interest for useful and productive purposes, especially those destined to the improvement of agricultural production, building infrastructure or for emergencies.

Provide an adequate and convenient source of financing to the producing partners in order to improve the productive infrastructure for cultivation and harvesting of agricultural items destined for export.

Assist their associates by providing them with a fast credit service, to promote a quick exit to solve personal problems or their relatives, and create opportunities to improve the living conditions of associates.

Type of credit:

• Ordinary Credit                    

• Parallel Credit                     

• Extraordinary Credit            

• School Credit                         

• Emergency Credit

• Mortgage credit 

In addition, the Manduvira Cooperative collects savings from its partners and other cooperatives, to place them in credits to their partners or other cooperatives, regardless of their modalities and volumes. Receives savings deposits in sight and in installments, from its partners, cooperatives or other bodies authorized by law to operate with cooperatives, in national or foreign currency./p>


With this, Manduvira aims to establish subsidies and services through solidarity, in order to respond to the social policy of the Cooperative, based on the principles of cooperativism, to assist and assist partners in certain difficult or pleasant circumstances of the lifetime. The subsidies constitute the aid and economic assistance, provided by solidarity to the partners or beneficiaries to complement the expenditures that the same make in adverse circumstances or to gratify some pleasant facts of life.

The subsidies established:

a) By birth (normal and cesarean delivery) and full adoption

b) By marriage

c) By death

d) For health (hospitalization, rest, surgery, serious accident)

e) Social and other aid.

The Manduvira Cooperative within its organic program offer different types of services to its producing partners, such as technical assistance in the different areas, highlighting the sugar cane, sesame and the items of self consumption through its agricultural department. The organic certification of the farms, through an internal control system that carry out monitoring and evaluation of compliance with organic and bio-dynamic production standards.

The preparation of soil with agricultural machinery is another very important service that the organization offers its associates, the provision of agricultural inputs for the improvement of production (seeds, organic fertilizers, etc.); The improvement and modernization of sugar cane collection centers and logistical support with qualified personnel to ensure the delivery of the raw material to the factory.

Promotion and training in the ecological production of both industrial crops and other income items for rural families, the strengthening of the agroecological fairs held in the city of Arroyos and Esteros by a group of organized women, members of the Cooperative. Support and cooperation to educational centers of the community through talks and awareness about ecological production and environmental care.


Radio space of the Cooperativa Manduvirá Ltda., Is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 12 to 13 hours by 88.9 - Radio Manduvira FM (app Google Play Radio Manduvira Oficial), spreading on the cooperative movement (History, principles, values, philosophy and others ), Social and Organic Certifications, orientations on environmental care and other topics of social interest, with the ideal complement of Paraguayan music and thus supporting the culture and traditions of our land. In Addition, we complement our diffusions, through social networks:

